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Wall Insulation

If your home was built after 1970, you most likely have insulation in your walls. Adding insulation as a retrofit can be done, but doing it properly can be expensive and difficult. The only way to ensure full cavity fill is to have one side of the wall stripped to the studs. Retrofit wall insulation is typically a large material and labor investment and should be considered as a value add-on and not the sole purpose of a renovation. We have work arounds available, such as removing a six inch strip the length of the wall, but we can't guarantee proper density on this kind of install. If you decide to remodel, we have you covered! Inconsistency in framing makes BIB style install our preferred method. BIB style install is where the wall is covered with breathable mesh fabric and fiberglass is blown densely into the cavity which fills all the voids and penetrations. BIB style is typically less labor intensive than batts, which means it is more affordable. Dense packing BIB style insulation also increases the R-Value and helps act as an air barrier. 

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