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Insulation Removal

Old insulation removal has many benefits. Does your home have an old musty smell that you can't seem to get rid of? Water leaks and burst pipes can lead to a host of unhealthy home situations including mold, mildew, and loss of structure to your home. Have you had a rodent or animal infestation? Crystalized droppings and urine are not only gross, but can lead to unhealthy homes and terrible smells. Insulation removal can remedy this! Old insulation can be worn out and no longer working like it's supposed to. Insulation has a service life just like your roof, AC, and appliances. Natural degradation, settling, and dirt and dust can compact your insulation over the years. Service and utility technicians and using the attic or utility spaces for storage can also damage your insulation.


In most homes, we use very large and powerful vacuums to suck out any loose fill insulation. Our smallest vacuum has 18 peak horsepower with a 4 inch hose and our largest vacuum has 23 peak horsepower with two 4 inch hoses. Additionally, our bags can hold about 500 gallons of material/volume. For perspective, your typical top-of-the-line home Shop-Vac has a peak of about 6 horsepower, a 1.5 inch hose, and can hold about 12 gallons. Our equipment allows us to perform a complete removal, air seal, and reinstall new insulation on typical homes in as little as one day! Disclaimer: the size of the home and age of material can extend the time needed to complete the job, but we have rarely needed more than two days for a single job.

We also offer batt removal. Batt removal is labor intensive and difficult as each batt is pulled by hand in each joist bay to protect wiring, water and gas lines, and duct work. This can typically be more expensive than vacuuming loose fill because of the difficulty of removal. 

We strive to remove all insulation, but small pieces do tend to get caught and some areas might be too difficult to safely access. Safety is our priority - for your home and for our technicians. We will keep you informed of any areas of concern once removal is complete. 

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