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  • Should I insulate before or after roof replacement?
    You should insulate after a roof replacement in almost all situations. During roof replacement, old pieces of shingles, wood, paper, nails, and other debris fall into the attic. This will damage and compress an insulation that is there. Roof replacement is an ideal time for Insulation removal, air sealing, and adding new insulation.
  • Can you insulate my walls without removing drywall?
    The only way to properly perform a full cavity fill is to have the entire wall open to the studs. This ensures there are no gaps or place for the insulation to settle. There are some work arounds, but it is typically not cost effective.
  • How long does servicing my home take?
    Depending on the size of your home and the measures being installed, our work is quicker than you might think. Adding more attic insulation is commonly a 60-90 minute task. Adding wall insulation is typically a 4-6 hour task. A full scale job on larger homes that includes removing, air sealing, and reinstalling insulation can take a 2-3 days. We can give you a better time estimate after seeing your home and identifying services needed.
  • Fiberglass vs. Cellulose
    Both have advantages and disadvantages. We prefer blowing fiberglass as it is cleaner (less dust) and settles less over time. Cellulose will degrade over time and is dustier to install. Cellulose does offer a higher R-value per inch and slightly better air sealing.
  • Why isn't my garage insulated?
    Only the walls that are connected to conditioned areas of the home are required to be insulated. This leaves walls, ceilings, and doors uninsulated. We are happy to discuss insulated your ceilings and doors, however, there is likely little to no energy savings to be had. Insulating your garage is typically more for comfort as most garages are not conditioned spaces.
  • Why should I choose Two Rivers?
    We are a small, family owned company. Energy efficiency and a healthy home are our main goals. We appreciate your time and respect the value of a hard earned dollar. We pride ourselves on integrity and would prefer to walk away from a job than sell you on something that you don't need or will not achieve your goals.
  • Will this make a difference in my utility bill?
    We prefer to set reasonable expectations that you will likely not see hundreds of dollars fall off your utility bill. Unless you have zero insulation or other major issues in your home, energy improvements are cumulative and long-term investments. We strive to save you as much money as we can, and we will recommend services to individually address the concerns of your home and stay within your budget.
  • Will insulation work affect my allergies or breathing?
    All materials used are certified safe for use in homes. We make every attempt to keep overspray, dirt, and dust to a minimum. If you feel the need to be away from the area while we are working for any reason, reentry immediately after job completion is safe.
  • Why should I remove old dirty insulation?
    The older your home is or if something out of the ordinary has happened (ie: water damage, rodent infestation, old mildew smells that won't go away), the more beneficial removal and replacement can be. Let us come take a look!
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